UX Research: HIV Online Social Support Platform

Healthcare,research- driven


UX Researcher & Designer


Aug 2016 -July 2017


Research lead: Dr. Joshua Introne; Developer: Irem Gokce Yildirim


Interview, Focus group, Quantitative analysis, Wireframing, Prototyping


“Positive People” on the App Store or google play,

that’s what ultimately became of my research.

Barriers between People Who Live with HIV(PLWH) & Social support Stigma associated with the disease, keeping PLWH away from social support.


WebMD’s design change— hard for people to find and continue their conversations, ultimately lead the community to shrink.


By designing an online platform to allow PLWH to learn, share and help each other. The focus of this design is to make the online community trusted and active

Design goal

Understanding users

Target users

people who are HIV positive

Two-week research has been conducted to get to know more about HIV/AIDS and PLWH. Main focus includes Social support, PLWH, Issues of obtaining social support, Advantages and issues for online social support platform.

Secondary research

One interview has been conducted with an HIV facilitator in East Lansing, MI. Online social support has been found necessary and the stigma issue among PLWH has been strengthened.


Two focus groups have been conducted to talk directly with PLWH in Lansing, MI. 7 people(3 female, 4male) were in the first group and 5(1 female, 4 male) were in the second one. Each focus group lasted for 90 minutes.

Focus group

Looking at the industry

A competitive analysis has been conducted which comparing 15 chronic illness forums.

Some low-activeness forums destroyed the social community’s sustainability. And some outstandingly good things have been noticed. Correlations between activeness and each forum components have been calculated.

Competitive analysis

Research insights

Social support is very important for PLWH.

  • Being exposed is one of PLWH’s biggest fears, which also becomes the biggest barrier for them to get access to social support.

  • They are afraid of telling others also because they don’t know HIV/AIDS well.

  • Both facilitator and PLWH agree that online HIV social support could be a great solution to reduce the fear of being exposed.

  • Trust is very important and needs to be considered carefully during the HIV online community design process.

  • Invite-only platform

  • Interactive instructions for newcomers

  • Easy-scan forum layout

  • Easy instruction and process for experience sharing & narrative matching

  • Quick “Catch up” section for returning members

  • “Recommended” section to encourage members to interact with new contents and people rather than only with those they already know 

6 core features:




A combination of a usability evaluation and the think aloud method has been used in this user test. Background interview, user observation and post interview have been used for better understanding of the user.


More instructions are needed for new users.

The user could not predict “new users” will be in recommended section.

User testing


flow 1

User testing shows the interactive prototype works quite well for our goal. More interactive instructions have been added for newcomers to quickly get the forum’s functions.

flow 2

Future work

  • Smart pill management function

  • Health tracker with sharing function

  • Website development and summative evaluation

  • More detailed flow design to implement invite mechanism

  • Text based design and development based on user needs, in order to reach out more target users who have problem of accessing the online website


3. Membership design system


Other work