Icon-shopping mall
A set of icon design for shopping mall context.
WeSing app
Redesign the app including color, font, icons and all key pages.
Log in/sign up switch
Fanno app
Black Friday Sale & Christmas Sale
Fanno promotion channel
Marketing channel design of Fanno app, which is called Big Brand Discount. Including app and web versions design.
Education web
A set of graphics for e-commerce.
Pangolin! Protect or poach?
A serious game designed for promoting the concept of pangolin protection, including a board game, a pitch video and an official website. For more details, please visit: https://pangolinpop.wordpress.com/
For game introduction, please visit the pitch video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJEdixrr7G8
Traveling app: Ctrip
Mini games for e-commerce
Mini games, focusing on increasing the activeness, browsing depth, return rate as well as conversion rate.
Dream home app
Several pages designed for a home decoration app.
Room escape design
The chapter Design for Exploration: Room Escape Games below is written in 2016. I tried to analyze the relationship between game design and human computer interaction rules and some interesting findings have been included. This chapter was selected and published in the small book HCI, Universal which was edited by Dr. Emilee J. Rader.
A set of graphics for e-commerce.